2025 Committee

Coming Soon! Nominations for Committee Members on 17.02.2025

Executive committee:

President - Ahjeong Yoo

DMD Vice President - Chris Kadamani

BOH Vice President - Nathan Ung

Secretary - Stephenie Yip

Vice Secretary - Samer Rihani

Treasurer - Austen Oviatt

Vice Treasurer - Mustafa Khan

Career’s Representative - Paul Chan-Woo Shim

Vice President Events - Caroline Son

Relations Officer - Victor Lin

General Committee

DMD ADSA Rep - Jamieson Wong

BOH ADSA Rep - Ben Vu

Senior Sports Reps - Harish Vijay, Tian Hao Zhu
*due to constitutional amendments to replace DMD3/DMD4 Sports rep

Social Media Officer - Sarah Lu

DMD international Rep - Huey Ying Ng

Rural Representative - Harry Tiernan

Senior Charities Rep - Riccardo Lee

BOH Representatives:

BOH2 Academic - Alice Cai, Antonio Amiouni

BOH2 Sport/social - Lucy McGurn

BOH3 Academic - Maral Ghazrian

BOH3 sport/social - Rabiah Yahya

DMD Representatives:

DMD2 Representatives:

Academic - Sadia Sindhu, Gabriela Badrov, Amanda Shi

Social - Eric Yu, Shirley Zhang

Sport Rep - Irene Lee

E-learning - Natashya Sutardjo

DMD3 Representatives:

Academic - Max liu

DMD4 Representatives:

Academic - Justin Phung, Crystal Loh, Kristine Sohn
*due to constitutional amendments so that DMD4 is now consistent with all other cohorts with THREE academic representatives.

Social - Maggie Shao, Kimberley Lin

E-learning - Riccardo Lee

Unfilled Positions

(To be elected in Sem 1 2025)

DMD1 Academic rep x3

DMD1 Sport x1

DMD1 Social rep x2

DMD1 E-learning Rep x1

DMD3 Academic rep x2 positions

DMD3 Social Rep x2 positions

DMD3 E-learning Rep x1

BOH3 Academic Rep x1

Junior International Rep (DMD 1/2 or BOH 1/2)

Junior Charities Rep (DMD 1/2 or BOH 1/2)

Articulator Editor (DMD4)

Inclusivity and Diversity Rep (All DMD/BOH)

Web and Communications Officer

Double Degree Student Rep x2
(2nd or 3rd year student doing BSci/DMD)